Yoga For Athletes


10:45-11:45 am

Yoga for Athletes (HOT) 99.5

Powerflow Yoga, Morristown, NJ 40 Market Street

Congrats on choosing to deepen or explore yoga as an athlete!

Yoga makes good athletes better. This time-honored discipline imparts flexibility, balance, and whole-body strength, creating improvements in an athlete’s form, efficiency, and power. In addition, yoga’s attention to concentration and breath awareness improves mental focus and mental endurance—hidden assets that become especially important at the end of a long training session or race. Because athletes train hard–running, climbing, golfing, cycling, weight lifting, and team sport playing, muscles can become very fibrous and strong–and just plain tight. Tightness means you can lose mobility and then moving around becomes more difficult. For example, runners can get such strong quadriceps that their hamstrings shorten in the back of their thighs and folding forward becomes sore and difficult. Football players can get so toned in the shoulders and arms that they can’t lift their arms up high without difficulty. As an athlete’s range of motion decreases, the ability to stay on top of his or her game becomes harder.

Yoga loosens the muscles naturally and safely, allowing sports enthusiasts to find more freedom, flexibility and ease in tight areas. With a 10 minute daily yoga practice, these muscles will stay just as strong–and also become more pliable and flexible so you can move them more precisely and comfortably for the rest of your life.

By practicing yoga you will develop:

  • whole-body strength
  • increased flexibility
  • balance and connection
  • mental focus
  • awareness of your breath
  • injury prevention
  • decreased low back pain

Professional and competitive athletes are incorporating yoga into their training, and so should you! The NY Giants, Jets, Seattle Seahawks, NY Red Bulls, and Denver Broncos, the NY Lizards MLL Lacrosse players, top collegiate football teams such as University of Arkansas and USC are just some of the many competitive athletes that are using yoga for athletic recovery and balance. Please contact me to arrange a group/team class or private 1:1 session



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